Matt. 5:16

Matthew 5:16,"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven."

"Live in such a way that you wouild not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip." - Will Rogers

Friday, September 14, 2012


Well, I actually think I do have a good excuse for being so far behind on posting to this blog. The Prairie Land Heritage Steam Show is coming around again at the end of this month and I’ve been very busy preparing for it. I’ve been trying to get my new business shingle made, renovating our old house plus, trying to increase my inventory of lanterns. Here are two pictures of the Lanterns of Light shingle. The short one will be used at outdoor events and the porch post will be utilized at indoor events. I have three special people to thank for helping turn the sign into reality. The sign was actually designed by a Christian friend named Ken P. He also helped with the same design for my business card. By the way, the business cards were also printed by a good friend named Greg T.
The above picture was taken in front of my new woodworking shop that I hope to be making the lanterns in soon. The red bench will be repainted to match the house color. The sign was painted by my son-in-laws mother Mary Jo S. And the hangers were made by a Christian blacksmith named Don A. The lantern on top of the porch post has a battery operated candle that flickers. It all breaks down for easy transport. I am so grateful for all the time, money and effort they donated in doing such a great job with it. I’m anxious to display it indoors at the Steam Show.
I’ll be posting pictures of the show after it’s over and hopefully in good time. Pray that things go well for my family and me at the event. Also, please pray that people will be interested in BFTW and sponsoring some children in India. But, most importantly that they will take some tracts, see their need for the Savior, and give their lives to the Lord. Till next time, Our Lord and King first served. Mark

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